The Columbia River Basin provides more than 40% of total U.S. hydroelectric generation

Columbia River Basin
Sustained Class-A Wind Speed
Total Wind Capacity
Size of Land
Estimated Hub Height of Turbine

Soluna will develop the flagship wind site in Phases.

Phase 1 will consist of a 100 MW windfarm with a co-located off-grid data center as an offtaker.

The full site can accommodate approximately  900 MW, based on current (2019) turbine technology. The entire infrastructure will be developed in accordance with the applicable Moroccan laws and regulations.

Soluna has acquired the rights to a 37,000 acre wind farm site in southern Morocco, near the city of Dakhla.

Dakhla is situated in the region of Oued-Ed-Dahab, a province in the Moroccan economic region of Dakhla-Oued-Ed-Dahab.  This region is also known as the disputed territory of Western Sahara.

Soluna has and will continue to conduct our activities in strict accordance with the governing laws of the region.  We have obtained the necessary approvals from the regional and national government authorities of Morocco.  We are also conscientious of the importance of ensuring our project is aligned with the principles that the interest of the inhabitants of these territories is paramount.

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